
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Finalizing The Total Look

 Hey fellas,

Now it is time to put all the previous blogs together use each piece to make a great professional look. The trend for the summer and fall is to mix prints so  mix plaids and stripes and palsleys and polka dots. And also for the summer and bold bright colors are the latest trends.

However, in some offices bold bright colors or bold prints wouldn't be considered professional. Therefore, you  can add a touch of boldness such as use a bright colored tie or pocket square to stay with in with the trend. Look for small plaids and small stripes and use the same color scheme as in the plaid and use it in your tie or pocket square  or you can do complementary color opposite side on the color wheel. However, just be careful not to make it clash.

For my class project recently I created a fashion show video of looks from designers. It shows the complete outfit head to toe. This video will help you get inspired by the looks and help you achieve similar looks. for this Fall.

Clothing were provide from

I also recommend such site to visit such as and to also shop by category such as tops, bottoms. These two are my favorite sources I use on a weekly base.

As a fashion blogger, I wanted each one of you guys to have a  idea for complete look for your interviews and ideas on what to wear for special occasions. I hope I have successfullly help you!

Thank you for reading my blog!!!

- Frankie J

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Finding The Perfect Fit Shirt

Hey Fellas,

Have you ever been in the situation where you can not find the right dress shirt that fits you? I know I have always struggled find the one that fits me. Being 5'7'' and having a slim frame most dress shirts are way too long and too big. I came across express clothing around 3 or 4 years ago in Nashville shopping I decided to try on there dress shirt and I was shocked and happy to learn they fit me perfectly. Although they don't do the number sizing but there shirts are quality and great price. I recommend anyone to try express clothing especially their dress shirt they have basically colors of the rainbow.

Until next time enjoy shopping for your perfect dress shirt :)

Frankie J

Friday, April 6, 2012

With There Being So Many Ties... Which Tie To Wear To What Event?

Hey guys... below are different types and given brief discussion how to wear them.

Hope this help you guys find what tie to wear what event. Also remember that with picking a tie make sure it color coordinates. With the next blog I'll explain the different types of shirts and how to put ties and the with the suits as mentioned in pervious post.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Special Occasion Look...

Barry Quinn a senior @ WKU.

Hello again,

This season the bright color bottoms are raging in every fashion magazine and runways for men. they are matching bright colors with other bright colors tops. My friend Barry Quinn is guy who is a very fashionable guy as you can see above helped me out for this project with his photo. As you can see his outfit is perfect for any guy and for any special occasion. His outfit as shown you can see he is wearing a baby blue pant that is one of the trends for this spring and summer. He used the combination of blues to tie everything together with his baby blue pants, baby blue and green plaid tie and navy blue blazer.

How to achieve a similar look? Well, for example as we discussed last time about finding the perfect suit well with the suit blazers you bought as a suit you can use them to pair with any dark denim jeans and with a white buttoned down shirt and just find a bright colored tie or plaid to make your outfit pop.

Where to buy the bright tie? My favorite place is Express they have all the bright colors that are young and fresh. Sometimes they even have deals you get buy one get one half off. So if you catch that deal must sure you buy two :)

Well thanks for reading and special thanks to my friend Barry Quinn for the picture.

- Frankie J

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Need to be Suiting It Up?

Finding A Perfect Suit For The Interview On A Budget...

As a senior it is the time to start the interview process for landing the entry job or internship. This post is for my fellow class of 2012 guys... So guys how many of you have the perfect suit? I just recently purchased two both for under $300. I know as an student having a budget is usually problem when buying anything and $400-$1000 suits is out of the question if your on your a budget. 
The first suit I purchased, was a basic black suit which include the jacket and pants.  This suit is from Macy's from GreenHills in Nashville, TN and was retailed for $495 but I purchased it for $149.  
The second suit I purchased, was a  medium gray pinstripe light wool suit for $139. Which included the jacket,vest and pants from Giorgio's Menswear in our local Greenwood Mall.  
For suggestions those as I was thought basic black is the suit you should wear for any interview. The buttoned down should be white or a soft calm color try to stay away from bright and bold because you never know who your interviewer is. As a fashion student basic black and white buttoned down can sound boring but you can always change up your style after receiving the job offer/internship offer. 

Until next time... Hope finding the right suit is made little easier knowing where and what colors are great to have for any interview or heading out in the workforce. Also remember shop smart and check the markdowns for the great budget suit. 

-Frankie J

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Everyday Styles on Campus

Over future post I'm going be explaining the styles of every day male student at Western.The styles will be varying from t-shirt and sweats to business casual simple blazer, classic buttoned down shirt and dark jeans.  I think the upper class men are the guys who are seen wearing the business casual because are getting ready to head out to the work soon. I will be giving some style tips to the future upper class men to start look professional for the workplace.